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Deploy Metoer App on Heroku in 8 Steps

Thinking about Staging server for testing your Meteor Applications and could not decide which one to choose from a variety of costly options then here is a solution for you. Everyone have to find an alternative to the issue he/she faces, So here is the perfect alternative if you don't want to pay bucks for testing your meteor app over the cloud. Heroku has the answers to solve all of your problems.

Heroku is a cloud platform that lets companies build, deliver, monitor and scale apps — we're the fastest way to go from idea to URL, bypassing all those infrastructure headaches.

 Here I will share the steps with which I overcome the issues by settling it up on Heroku.

Prerequisites: You should have running meteor app on local Server.

Step 1: Install Heroku Belt.
For Windows: Meteor installerFor Linux/Mac: Heroku Toolbelt

Step 2: Create a Git Repo of your project. There are also other options available you could check on your Heroku dashboard.
Step 3: Connect your app with Git.
Heroku Options
Step 4: Now Deploy your changes to your repo. Make your you are in the root folder of your App.

$ heroku login
// add your credentials here
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better" 
$ git push origin master ( Push changes to your git repo first)
Step 5: Database connectivity.
Heroku also offers Database connectivity as one of its free plug-ins but you need to 
provide your credit card details for that. It's ok If you have a credit card but 
if you don't have one then the preffered options in
mLab is the largest cloud MongoDB service in the world, hosting over a half million deployments on AWS, Azure, and Google. Get started with a free database. also suggests this in its documentation. It also provides free databasse upto 512 MB for free.
Create an account on
After creating account, create a database and create users for database.

Step 6: Connect Database.
To connect this DB with your heroku app you need to provide a MONGO_URL.

Add your user and password here.

and specify that url in config variable in settings of Heroku dashboard.

Step 7: Add BuildPacks to Heroku.
Consider buildpacks as the compiler as Heroku does not have the compiler for Meteor JS app, So you need to provide a git repo for this and the Git Repo for Metoer Build pack is 

Step 8: Push changes to Heroku
$ git push heroku master 

I hope this would help you in settling your Meteor App over the cloud.


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